Browsing articles from "June, 2012"
Jun 30, 2012

Green Tea Is Miracle Of Nature

Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea.

Is any other food or drink reported to have as many health benefits as green tea? The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.

Did you know people are taking green tea extract as an aid to weight loss? Scientific research shows us that this herbal supplement can actually help the body get rid of excess fat by revving up the its metabolic rate, the energy burning process.

Metabolism is a chemical process carried out by the body that creates the energy you need to live. Increasing the metabolic rate requires means more fuel is required to be burned and this is where the body will usually draw on its fat reserves to enable the process, this is how your overall weight is reduced.
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Jun 30, 2012

What To Do On Weekends?

Weekends should be a time to relax, to unwind and get over the stresses of the past-week while recharging the batteries for the week ahead. But, instead too many of us now actively dread the thought of the two-day break as it has become busier than the working week!

The truth is that for far too many, planning for the weekend has become akin to a working out the logistics for a co-ordinate military exercise. Making sure that we the squeeze the maximum amount of activity into a mere 48 hour period has become, like everything else in our lives, a competition. We compete against each other and the dreaded clock as we strive to produce the ‘best’ possible weekend.

But we don’t help ourselves, because we live in an age when too many of us are consumed with guilt when idle. So, instead of relishing any peace, there is a nagging doubt that we should be doing something productive; so it’s no wonder that we have trouble sleeping. Sleep deprivation is on the rise according to the government, as we simply find it far too difficult to switch off from life. Even though the body needs rest the mind simply can’t stop ticking over.
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Jun 29, 2012

Dogs And People

There are so many reasons why people choose to run with their dogs beyond just knowing that their dogs need the exercise. Unlike most human running partners, dogs don’t ever have meetings that go late. They wouldn’t rather sleep in. They are always ready to go, and are generally willing to cruise at any pace with equal ease. They don’t complain that the weather is bad so they’d rather skip today’s workout. The chance to go for a run is greeted with enthusiasm by our canine companions. The truth is that dogs typically like running, which is yet another commonality between dogs and humans.

Okay, perhaps not ALL humans. (Trisha, for example, who is one of my very favorite humans, has described running as abusive though she is very active both on her farm and with long walks and hikes, which are great joys to her. She thinks it’s great that I like to run and that it makes me happy. Still, every time we room together at a conference and she sees me head out for my morning run, I can’t help wondering if she’s thinking, “Hey, better you than me!”)


Jun 29, 2012

The International Caps Lock Day Is Today

Caps lock is a key on many computer keyboards. Pressing it sets an input mode in which typed letters are uppercase by default (i.e. in All caps). The keyboard remains in caps lock mode until the key is pressed again. On some computers, holding down the shift key while caps lock is on temporarily switches to lowercase.
Keyboards often include a small LED to indicate that caps lock is active—either on the key itself, or in a row with scroll lock and num lock indicators. However, some new laptop and wireless desktop keyboards lack the LED, instead providing software that gives an on-screen indicator.

People typing case-sensitive passwords that are not displayed verbatim on the screen may not realize that caps lock is on, causing errors. Help guides, tech support materials, and sometimes the interface itself may include advice on checking caps lock before typing a password. In Windows login screens, a warning that caps lock is on is shown in a balloon near the field. In Mac OS X, when caps lock is on, a caps lock symbol (⇪) is displayed inside a password field. Operating systems may also provide audible notifications when caps-lock, num-lock, or scroll-lock buttons are toggled.
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