Browsing articles tagged with "iphone | Robin Bal"
Aug 28, 2011

The iPhone 5, Features, Benefits, Concept. Loads Of Blah Blah

Amazing Concept iPhone 5. This CG iPhone 5 has advanced iPhone features such as a sleeker iPhone design, a laser keyboard & holographic display all rolled into this iPhone 5 video.

The computer generated Concept iPhone 5 features is an exponential leap to the iPhone 4 or iPhone 3gs of today.

We hope you enjoy this iPhone 5 video more than the current trend of iPhone 5 rumors such as iPhone 5 leaked and iPhone 5 unboxing videos. Apple is yet to make the iPhone 5 announcement. So have your fill of this new iPhone video before the iPhone 5 release.

Why is everyone goin all crazy over this CONCEPT ?! .. dont you people understand what concept means ?

Plus the technology that this CONCEPT uses is way too high so

If the technology exists.. it would be too expensive. If it exists with a reasonable price.. it would need a nuclear battery to run it for 2 hours, and speaking o which ,, where is the battery ?!

I love how people believe that a hologram can be projected onto nothing. Thin air. Zip. Zero. Zilch. I don’t work like that. Besides, the thing is so thin if you drop it even once its gonna shatter.

Nice video effects but I don’t think the iPhone 5 will have these capabilities. I don’t think holographics like this will become a reality in the near future. I think the keyboard concept might not be too far in the future though as I have seen other experimental technology with this capability.

Aug 19, 2011

Why Do People Yell Into Their Cell Phones?

Pretty much everyone owns a cell phone these days, and with the great advantages of cell phones also comes responsibility. There is certainly proper and improper cell phone etiquette, and unfortunately, improper cell phone etiquette is still rampant amongst the general population.

One prime example of bad cell phone etiquette is people yelling into their cell phones. Have you ever noticed how people talk much louder into the cell phone than a regular phone? It’s very common, and can be extremely annoying for all those nearby. A lot of people will excuse themselves into another room when taking a call, but there are some times when you can’t leave. For example, when you’re riding in a car with someone, you might need to take a call, and there’s no “other room” you can go into. It is times like these when cell phone etiquette is of the utmost importance.

So why do people with normal speaking volumes yell into their cell phones? It’s a pretty simple explanation, actually. Household telephones, or landlines, have a microphone in the receiver that amplifies your voice into the ear piece. When you talk into a landline, your voice is captured and replayed through the ear piece, so you hear your own voice loud and clear. It’s very similar to how a radio DJ wears headphones, then speaks into a microphone and hears his own voice in the headphones. With cell phones, your own voice is not amplified into the earpiece, so the only sound you hear is from your mouth. Seem like this wouldn’t be a huge difference, but the volume level of words coming from your mouth through the air and into your ear is a pretty big difference from sounds coming from a phone speaker that’s pressed directly against your ear.
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