Browsing articles tagged with "stamp collecting | Robin Bal"
Mar 29, 2019

Is It Important To Have A Hobby?

It’s important to me to have somewhere where I can temporarily shut my worries away. I am then able to focus on something that in the long run might achieve something really positive.

Besides spending times with their families, some persons have an impulse to do a certain activity and they focus their attention and energy on the accomplishment of that “project”. That is what happens when one has a HOBBY!

The problem here is actually having the time for an ‘enjoyable’ hobby, sure, I could do something which doesn’t involve having to go places and do things, but isnt that the whole idea of having a hobby? But it takes time! I suppose if I were to find a hobby enjoyable enough I would have to make time right?!

For hobbyists, a hobby is much more than just a pastime. A hobby has many benefits and advantages for each individual. For some, a hobby is an emotional outlet, for others a way of gaining knowledge. Hobbies keep our minds – and our hands – active. Whatever your reasons are, if you’ve been thinking about starting a hobby or getting a new one, consider the following advantages to help guide your decision.
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