Browsing articles from "July, 2011"
Jul 4, 2011

People Who Dont Like This Video Have Never Had Sex LoL

I like how at first everyone watching them sing, “I just had sex,” and they are all disgusted at first, but then they are all singing and having a good time at that and they all liked the song. It was still a cool song.

I listen to this each time I have just had sex 😉

Jul 3, 2011

A Compilation Of Awesome People Doing Incredible Things (Video)

If we ever find out there is an alien invasion headed for Earth, all we have to do is send them a copy of this video. They will watch it once, then give up, turn around, and go home.

Awesome, I especially liked it when the guy did 5 backflips, picked up the basketball with his feet, shot it, and made it. The man running on water cool too.

Jul 1, 2011

Can You Live Without The Internet?

The internet dominates our lives about this there is no doubt. We are attached to our e-mail accounts and rely extensively on the internet for all kinds of online research and services, whether it is on health and diet, political news, fashion or food recipes.

In a study published recently in the Journal of Affective Disorders, examined the habits of 20 people who had spent more than 30 nonworking hours a week online for the past three years. The participants described skipping sleep, ignoring family responsibilities, and showing up late for work to fulfill their desire to visit chat rooms and surf the Web. The consequences were severe: Many suffered from marital problems, failed in school or lost a job, and accumulated debt.

The Internet is an amazing tool which can instantly connect you to people and information all over the world, but do you ever find yourself spending lots of time on the net, surfing for information, checking your e-mails, playing video games or watching videos on YouTube?

People have been asked what they thought was the most important item in their daily life: the computer, mobile phone or television. The majority of the readers chose their computers, followed closely by mobile phones.
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